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Title here

consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lee Miller and US army jeep @ Lee Miller Archives

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis.

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Photographer, Surrealist, War Correspondent, Model & Gourmet Cook.

Lee Miller

Born: 23.04.1907
Died: 21.07.1977

Photographer, Surrealist, War Correspondent, Model & Gourmet Cook.
Surrealist Painter, Curator, Poet, Collector, Promoter and Biographer.

Roland Penrose

Born: 14.10.1900
Died: 23.04.1984

Surrealist Painter, Curator, Poet, Collector, Promoter and Biographer.
American Photojournalist, War Correspondent, and Editor of LIFE Magazine.

David E. Scherman

Born: 01.01.1916
Died: 05.05.1997

American Photojournalist, War Correspondent, and Editor of LIFE Magazine.
Filmmaker, Author, Lecturer, Artist, Photographer and Co-Founder of Lee Miller Archives.

Antony Penrose

Born: 09.10.1947

Filmmaker, Author, Lecturer, Artist, Photographer and Co-Founder of Lee Miller Archives.
Engineer, Works Superintendent, Inventor, Photographer.

Theodore Miller

Born: 03.06.1871
Died: 05.05.1971

Engineer, Works Superintendent, Inventor, Photographer.
Contemporary Photographer.

Annabelle Moeller

Born: 06.05.1966

Contemporary Photographer.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Mauris ultrices ante at ex volutpat elementum. Nulla quis pellentesque felis. Vivamus euismod imperdiet odio, ac finibus risus venenatis vel. Etiam eget ipsum turpis. Curabitur ut ultrices massa. Curabitur tempus interdum porta. Etiam tristique eu nunc eget auctor.

In volutpat metus quis ipsum fringilla accumsan eget pellentesque enim. Fusce sit amet pulvinar diam. Maecenas id fermentum ipsum, quis imperdiet odio. Quisque aliquam leo mi, quis porttitor tortor molestie a. Pellentesque id diam odio. Cras pulvinar lacinia dui eget eleifend. Fusce vehicula quam odio, quis tincidunt nunc ultrices accumsan. Vestibulum venenatis rutrum massa, non tincidunt nibh eleifend eu. Nulla molestie commodo ante, in scelerisque justo bibendum eget. In tempor ornare sem, vel fermentum sapien rhoncus vel. Mauris leo neque, tristique quis felis at, dictum malesuada turpis. Sed pharetra euismod nibh ut commodo. Mauris ac imperdiet ipsum, ac vulputate nibh.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lee Miller and US army jeep @ Lee Miller Archives
Four women asleep, Lee Miller, Leonora Carrington, Ady Fidelin and Nusch Eluard @ Lee Miller Archives
British Vogue October 1944 page 56 @ Lee Miller Archives
Homeless: Like the women of German-invaded countries, German women now cook in the ruins. @ Lee Miller Archives

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lee Miller and US army jeep @ Lee Miller Archives
Four women asleep, Lee Miller, Leonora Carrington, Ady Fidelin and Nusch Eluard @ Lee Miller Archives
British Vogue October 1944 page 56 @ Lee Miller Archives
Homeless: Like the women of German-invaded countries, German women now cook in the ruins. @ Lee Miller Archives

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lee Miller and US army jeep @ Lee Miller Archives
Four women asleep, Lee Miller, Leonora Carrington, Ady Fidelin and Nusch Eluard @ Lee Miller Archives
British Vogue October 1944 page 56 @ Lee Miller Archives
Homeless: Like the women of German-invaded countries, German women now cook in the ruins. @ Lee Miller Archives

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lee Miller and US army jeep @ Lee Miller Archives
Four women asleep, Lee Miller, Leonora Carrington, Ady Fidelin and Nusch Eluard @ Lee Miller Archives
British Vogue October 1944 page 56 @ Lee Miller Archives
Homeless: Like the women of German-invaded countries, German women now cook in the ruins. @ Lee Miller Archives

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.


Main heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Mauris ultrices ante at ex volutpat elementum. Nulla quis pellentesque felis. Vivamus euismod imperdiet odio, ac finibus risus venenatis vel. Etiam eget ipsum turpis. Curabitur ut ultrices massa. Curabitur tempus interdum porta. Etiam tristique eu nunc eget auctor.

In volutpat metus quis ipsum fringilla accumsan eget pellentesque enim. Fusce sit amet pulvinar diam. Maecenas id fermentum ipsum, quis imperdiet odio. Quisque aliquam leo mi, quis porttitor tortor molestie a. Pellentesque id diam odio. Cras pulvinar lacinia dui eget eleifend. Fusce vehicula quam odio, quis tincidunt nunc ultrices accumsan. Vestibulum venenatis rutrum massa, non tincidunt nibh eleifend eu. Nulla molestie commodo ante, in scelerisque justo bibendum eget. In tempor ornare sem, vel fermentum sapien rhoncus vel. Mauris leo neque, tristique quis felis at, dictum malesuada turpis. Sed pharetra euismod nibh ut commodo. Mauris ac imperdiet ipsum, ac vulputate nibh.

David E. Scherman after the German surrender at St Malo

Main heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Mauris ultrices ante at ex volutpat elementum. Nulla quis pellentesque felis. Vivamus euismod imperdiet odio, ac finibus risus venenatis vel. Etiam eget ipsum turpis. Curabitur ut ultrices massa. Curabitur tempus interdum porta. Etiam tristique eu nunc eget auctor.

In volutpat metus quis ipsum fringilla accumsan eget pellentesque enim. Fusce sit amet pulvinar diam. Maecenas id fermentum ipsum, quis imperdiet odio. Quisque aliquam leo mi, quis porttitor tortor molestie a. Pellentesque id diam odio. Cras pulvinar lacinia dui eget eleifend. Fusce vehicula quam odio, quis tincidunt nunc ultrices accumsan. Vestibulum venenatis rutrum massa, non tincidunt nibh eleifend eu. Nulla molestie commodo ante, in scelerisque justo bibendum eget. In tempor ornare sem, vel fermentum sapien rhoncus vel. Mauris leo neque, tristique quis felis at, dictum malesuada turpis. Sed pharetra euismod nibh ut commodo. Mauris ac imperdiet ipsum, ac vulputate nibh.

David E. Scherman after the German surrender at St Malo
Self portrait with headband
Roland Penrose (Detail) Mougins France 1937

Main heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar. Mauris ultrices ante at ex volutpat elementum. Nulla quis pellentesque felis. Vivamus euismod imperdiet odio, ac finibus risus venenatis vel. Etiam eget ipsum turpis. Curabitur ut ultrices massa. Curabitur tempus interdum porta. Etiam tristique eu nunc eget auctor. In volutpat metus quis ipsum fringilla accumsan eget pellentesque enim. Fusce sit amet pulvinar diam. Maecenas id fermentum ipsum, quis imperdiet odio. Quisque aliquam leo mi, quis porttitor tortor molestie a. Pellentesque id diam odio. Cras pulvinar lacinia dui eget eleifend. Fusce vehicula quam odio, quis tincidunt nunc ultrices accumsan. Vestibulum venenatis rutrum massa, non tincidunt nibh eleifend eu. Nulla molestie commodo ante, in scelerisque justo bibendum eget. In tempor ornare sem, vel fermentum sapien rhoncus vel. Mauris leo neque, tristique quis felis at, dictum malesuada turpis. Sed pharetra euismod nibh ut commodo. Mauris ac imperdiet ipsum, ac vulputate nibh.

David E. Scherman after the German surrender at St Malo
Self portrait with headband
Roland Penrose (Detail) Mougins France 1937

Main heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar. Mauris ultrices ante at ex volutpat elementum. Nulla quis pellentesque felis. Vivamus euismod imperdiet odio, ac finibus risus venenatis vel. Etiam eget ipsum turpis. Curabitur ut ultrices massa. Curabitur tempus interdum porta. Etiam tristique eu nunc eget auctor. In volutpat metus quis ipsum fringilla accumsan eget pellentesque enim. Fusce sit amet pulvinar diam. Maecenas id fermentum ipsum, quis imperdiet odio. Quisque aliquam leo mi, quis porttitor tortor molestie a. Pellentesque id diam odio. Cras pulvinar lacinia dui eget eleifend. Fusce vehicula quam odio, quis tincidunt nunc ultrices accumsan. Vestibulum venenatis rutrum massa, non tincidunt nibh eleifend eu. Nulla molestie commodo ante, in scelerisque justo bibendum eget. In tempor ornare sem, vel fermentum sapien rhoncus vel. Mauris leo neque, tristique quis felis at, dictum malesuada turpis. Sed pharetra euismod nibh ut commodo. Mauris ac imperdiet ipsum, ac vulputate nibh.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Picnic @ Lee Miller Archives


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Lee Miller and US army jeep @ Lee Miller Archives


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Four women asleep, Lee Miller, Leonora Carrington, Ady Fidelin and Nusch Eluard @ Lee Miller Archives


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

Exhibitions, galleries and collections
Contributed Exhibitions
  • Exhibitions
  • Contributed Exhibitions
  • Galleries
  • Collections
Galerie Van Leer, Rue de Seine, Paris, France
01 January 1928
Roland Penrose
Exhibition with Ithell Colquhoun
The Mayor Gallery, Cork Street, London, England
01 January 1939
Roland Penrose
Arts Council Touring Exhibition: Roland Penrose
Fundaćio Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain
01 February 1981 - 01 March 1981
Harris Museum and Gallery, Preston, England
01 January 1980
Arnolfini Gallery, London, England
01 January 1980
ICA, London, England
01 January 1980
Fermoy Centre, Kings Lynn, England
01 January 1980
Ferens Gallery, Hull, England
01 July 1980
The London Gallery, Brook Street, London, England
01 January 1949
Roland Penrose
Roland Penrose, Collages Récent
Galeries Henriette Gomes, Paris, France
01 January 1982
Roland Penrose
Roland Penrose, Recent Collages
The Mayor Gallery, London, England
01 January 1983
Roland Penrose
Roland Penrose Collages
The Gardner Centre, Brighton, England
01 January 1984
Lee Miller
The Lives of Lee Miller
Staley-Wise Gallery, New York, USA
01 November 1985 - 01 February 1986
Lee Miller
Lee Miller in Sussex
The Arts Centre, Darlington, England
06 October 1986 - 10 November 1986
Leeds City Gallery, Leeds, England
01 August 1986 - 01 September 1986
Chesil Gallery, Chiswell, Dorset, England
01 July 1986 - 31 July 1986
Ramsgate Library, Ramsgate, Kent, England
20 November 1985 - 17 December 1985
Worthing Museum & Art Gallery, Worthing, West Sussex, England
20 July 1985 - 17 August 1985
South Hill Park, Bracknell, England
13 April 1985 - 26 May 1985
Royal Museum and Art Gallery, Canterbury, Kent, England
01 February 1985 - 01 March 1985
Southampton Municipal Gallery, Southampton, England
12 January 1985 - 17 February 1985
Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, England
07 October 1984 - 02 December 1984
Hastings Photo Gallery, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, England
30 June 1984 - 28 July 1984
Gardner Centre, Brighton East Sussex, England
01 May 1984 - 01 May 1984
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Photographer
Zelda Cheatle Gallery, London, England
09 May 1989 - 02 June 1989
Lee Miller
Picasso by Lee Miller
Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
22 September 1989 - 12 November 1989
Lee Miller
The Legendary Lee Miller : Australia Tour
Ivan Dougherty Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University of NSW
04 March 1990 - 17 April 1999
The Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne, Australia
21 July 1999 - 05 September 1999
Lee Miller
Lee Miller in Eastern Europe
Staley-Wise Gallery, New York, USA
20 April 1990 - 19 May 1990
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Photographer : US Tour
Santa Monica Museum of Art, USA
08 September 1990 - 04 November 1990
The Art Institute of Chicago, USA
23 June 1990 - 26 August 1990
International Centre of Photography Midtown, USA
13 April 1990 - 10 June 1990
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
02 February 1990 - 01 April 1990
Minneapolis Institute of Art, USA
04 November 1989 - 07 January 1990
New Orleans Museum of Art, USA
15 July 1989 - 20 August 1989
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA
11 February 1989 - 16 April 1989
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Photographer : Asia
Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan
25 January 1991 - 26 February 1991
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Photographer : Extensive European Tour
Brandenburgeische Kunstsammlungen, Cottbus, Germany
29 October 1994 - 04 December 1994
Kunstverein Coburg e.V., Coburg, Germany
18 September 1994 - 16 October 1994
Galerie am Fischmarkt, Erfurt, Germany
05 July 1994 - 07 August 1994
Württembergischer Kustverein, Stuttgart, Germany
12 May 1994 - 19 June 1994
L'Espace Photographique de Paris, Paris, France
29 March 1994 - 01 May 1994
Historisches Museum der Pflatz, Speyer, Germany
16 January 1994 - 13 March 1994
Fotografie Forum, Frankfurt, Germany
20 November 1993 - 06 January 1994
Museo di Storia della Fotografia, Florence, Italy
24 September 1993 - 31 October 1993
America Haus, Berlin, Germany
01 August 1993 - 09 September 1993
Fotomuseum Stadtmuseum, Munich, Germany
16 June 1993 - 31 July 1993
Museum für Kunst und Gerwerbe, Hamburg, Germany
02 April 1993 - 23 May 1993
Helsinki, Finland
19 February 1993 - 21 March 1993
Lathi, Finland
01 January 1993 - 01 February 1993
Stedelijk, Amsterdam, Netherlands
07 November 1992 - 13 December 1992
Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
15 September 1992 - 01 November 1992
Fundacio Joan Miro, Barcelona, Spain
25 April 1991 - 05 June 1991
Lee Miller
Lee Miller's War : Tour of Europe : Photographs 1944-1945
Centre d'Histoire de la Résistance, Lyon, France
23 April 1997 - 27 July 1997
Stadtmuseum Gera, Gera, Germany
03 March 1997 - 07 April 1997
Kulturamt der Stadt Freiburg, Germany
10 January 1997 - 23 February 1997
Kulturamt des Landkreises Eichsfeld, Heiligenstadt, Germany
11 October 1996 - 10 November 1996
Stadtmuseum Waldraiburg, Walkdraiburg, Germany
09 May 1996 - 16 June 1996
Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabrück, Germany
03 March 1996 - 07 April 1996
Frauenmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany
09 December 1995 - 28 January 1996
Kulturzentrum Zehntscheuer E.V, Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany
19 September 1995 - 22 October 1995
Volkshochschule Leer, Leer, Germany
13 August 1995 - 03 September 1995
Städtische Galerie Erlangen, Erlange, Germany
08 July 1995 - 06 August 1995
Centre National de l'Audiovisuel, Dudelange, Luxembourg
09 June 1995 - 21 June 1995
Lee Miller
Lee Miller's War : Tour of UK : Photographs 1944-1945
Pelham House, Lewes, East Sussex, England
25 April 1998 - 04 May 1998
Kelvin Grove, Glasgow, Scotland
01 December 1994 - 01 January 1994
Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, England
01 October 1993 - 01 November 1993
University of East Anglia, Norwich, England
25 April 1993 - 11 July 1993
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Sunderland, England
15 February 1993 - 21 March 1993
Gardner Centre, Brighton, England
11 January 1993 - 06 February 1993
Lee Miller
The Legendary Lee Miller : New Zealand Tour
The Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand
15 January 1999 - 20 February 1999
Waikato Museum of Art & History, Hamilton, New Zealand
24 October 1998 - 06 December 1998
City Gallery Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
01 August 1998 - 04 October 1998
Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand
23 May 1998 - 05 July 1998
Robert McDougall Art Gallery, Christchurch, New Zealand
25 February 1998 - 26 April 1998
Lee Miller
The Lee Miller Exhibition
The Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea, Wales
23 July 1999 - 18 August 1999
Lee Miller
The Legendary Lee Miller : Canada Tour
University of Toronto Art Centre, Toronto, Canada
08 April 2000 - 30 June 2000
Presentation House Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
08 January 2000 - 20 February 2000
Lee Miller
Lee Miller & The Avant Garde
West Dean College, Chichester, West Sussex, England
26 May 2000 - 28 May 2000
Lee Miller
A Life Less Ordinary
The Photographers Gallery, London, England
30 December 2000 - 27 January 2001
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Fashion Photography
Sussex Downs College, England
04 March 2002 - 15 March 2002
Lee Miller
The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, England
23 January 2003 - 27 April 2003
Lee Miller, Roland Penrose
Surrealist Muse: Lee Miller, Roland Penrose and Man Ray
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA
25 February 2003 - 15 June 2003
Lee Miller
Lee Miller 'Muse'
West Dean College, Chichester, West Sussex, England
01 April 2003 - 01 May 2003
Lee Miller, Roland Penrose
The Surrealist and the Photographer
Bermuda National Art Gallery, Bermuda
16 May 2003 - 28 September 2003
Taidemuseo Tennispalatsi, Helsinki, Finland
26 February 2002 - 21 April 2002
The Irish Gallery of Photography, Dublin, Ireland
03 December 2001 - 21 April 2002
Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
19 May 2001 - 09 September 2001
Lee Miller
Lee Miller, Portraits from a Life
Wingfield Arts, Eye, Suffolk, England
21 June 2003 - 28 September 2003
Lee Miller
The Surrealists in Cornwall
Falmouth Art Gallery, Falmouth, Cornwall, England
19 June 2004 - 12 September 2004
Lee Miller
Lee Miller… A Retrospective
Gammel Holtegaard Museum, Holt, Denmark
22 January 2005 - 06 March 2005
Lee Miller
Lee Miller: Un Regard Libre
Musee de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
20 October 2006 - 12 November 2006
Lee Miller
Picasso en Privat
Museo Picasso, Barcelona, Spain
01 June 2007 - 16 September 2007
Lee Miller
Lee Miller
Manuel Barbie Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
01 February 2008 - 01 May 2008
Photographers" Gallery, London, England
01 January 1989 - 01 February 1986
Martin Groupius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
18 March 2016 - 12 June 2016
NSU, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
04 October 2015 - 14 February 2016
Albertina, Vienna, Austria
08 May 2015 - 16 August 2015
Lee Miller
Lee Miller at Farley Farm
Farley Yard Trust, Farleys Barn Gallery, Chiddingly, E Sussex, England
03 May 2008 - 31 July 2008
Lee Miller
Picasso e a arte Portuguesa no séc : Lee Miller & Picasso
Sala Expo Arade, Portimao, Portugal -
21 August 2008 - 19 October 2008
Lee Miller
Evocación Y Recuerdo
Fundacion Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Malaga, Spain
02 October 2008 - 15 February 2009
Lee Miller
The Art of Lee Miller
Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
14 October 2008 - 12 January 2009
SF MOMA, San Francisco, USA
01 July 2008 - 21 September 2008
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA
24 January 2008 - 27 April 2008
V&A Museum, London, England
14 September 2007 - 06 January 2008
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Mini Portraits
Mascalls Gallery, Kent, England
03 November 2008 - 13 December 2008
The Oriental Gallery, Durham University, England
14 June 2008 - 14 July 2008
Maison de la Photographie, Toulon, France
30 September 2005 - 14 January 2006
Lee Miller
Lee Miller & Friends
Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, West Sussex, England
15 January 2009 - 29 March 2009
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Y Picasso:
TEA Tenerife, Spain
06 February 2009 - 24 May 2009
Lee Miller
'Scatti de Guerra' : Lee Miller e Tony Vaccaro dallo sbarco in Normandia alla Liberazione
Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, Italy
04 July 2009 - 23 August 2009
Lee Miller
Lee Miller in Luxembourg
Centre National de l"Audiovisuel, Dudelange, Luxembourg
05 March 2011 - 12 June 2011
Lee Miller
The Legendary Lee Miller
Centro Cultural Novacaixagalicia, Vigo, Spain
22 September 2011 - 20 November 2011
Fundación Caixa Galicia, A Coruña, Spain
21 June 2011 - 11 September 2011
Fundacion BBK, Bilbao, Spain
21 August 2006 - 30 September 2006
Moscow Fotofest, Moscow Museum, Russia
18 March 2009 - 29 April 2009
Jakopic Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
22 November 2010 - 09 January 2011
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
01 July 2010 - 16 August 2010
Lee Miller
Through the Eyes of Lee Miller
Lucy Bell Fine Art Photography, St Leonards on Sea, England
20 March 2012 - 21 April 2012
Lee Miller
Picasso at Play
Farleys Barn Gallery, Chiddingly, East Sussex, England
29 May 2012 - 26 July 2012
Lee Miller
Man Ray and Lee Miller: Partners in Surrealism
Fine Arts Museum San Francisco, SF, USA
14 July 2012 - 07 October 2012
Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Mass, USA
11 June 2011 - 04 December 2011
Lee Miller
Lee Miller's Surrealist Eye
Kunstmuseet Brundlund Slot, Aabenraa, Denmark
17 January 2013 - 12 May 2013
Øregaard Museum, Hellerup, Denmark
19 January 2012 - 20 June 2012
Stenersenmusset/Stenersten Museum, Oslo, Norway
19 June 2010 - 05 September 2010
Millesgården, Herserudsvägen 32, Sweden
14 November 2009 - 14 February 2010
Mjellby Konst Museum, Halmstadt, Sweden
14 June 2008 - 30 August 2009
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Portraits
Farleys Gallery, Muddles Green, East Sussex, England
01 June 2014 - 27 July 2014
Farleys Barn Gallery, Chiddingly, East Sussex, England
04 August 2012 - 16 September 2012
Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg, Germany
09 September 2006 - 21 January 2007
National Portrait Gallery, London, England
03 February 2005 - 30 May 2005
Lee Miller
Lee Miller: A Romanian Rhapsody
Romanian Cultural Centre, London, England
10 July 2014 - 17 August 2014
Lee Miller
Lee Miller's War
Djanogly Art Gallery, Nottingham, England
29 November 2014 - 22 February 2015
Millersville University, Millersville USA
07 April 2013 - 07 June 2013
Farleys Barn Gallery, Chiddingly, East Sussex, England
02 April 2013 - 22 September 2013
Visual Arts Centre, Frances Bardsley School, Chelmsford, Essex, England
04 November 2009 - 17 December 2009
Malmo Museer, Sweden
01 June 2008 - 07 September 2008
Monash Gallery of Art, Victoria, Australia
06 July 2007 - 02 September 2007
Auckland War Museum, Auckland, New Zealand
23 March 2007 - 17 June 2007
The Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea, Wales
27 October 2005 - 30 November 2005
The Photo Fair, Swedish Exhibition Centre, Gotenburg, Sweden
14 October 1999 - 17 October 1999
Lee Miller
Lee Miller: Motifs in silver print
Farleys Gallery, Muddles Green, East Sussex, England
05 April 2015 - 04 October 2015
Lee Miller
Lee Miller & Picasso
Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
23 May 2015 - 06 September 2015
Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea, Wales
27 October 2011 - 19 January 2012
Lee Miller
Lee Miller: Surrealist Photographer
Museo de Arte Moderno 'MAM', México
12 September 2015 - 21 February 2016
Lee Miller
Lee Miller: A womans war
Imperial War Museum, London, England
14 October 2015 - 24 April 2016
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Studios Inc : New York
Farleys Gallery, Muddles Green, East Sussex, England
01 April 2017 - 31 October 2017
Lee Miller
Lee Miller: War & Fashion
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern AB, Stockholm, Sweden
09 September 2017 - 04 March 2018
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Portraits of Picasso
The Lightbox, Woking, Surrey, England
14 April 2018 - 17 June 2018
Lee Miller
Lee Miller & The British Surrealists
Fundació Joan Miro, Barcelona, Spain
25 October 2018 - 20 January 2019
Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield, England
21 June 2019 - 30 September 2018
Lee Miller
Lee Miller in Colour
Farleys Gallery, Muddles Green, East Sussex, England
07 April 2019 - 27 October 2019
Lee Miller
Surrealist Lee Miller
La Térmica, Malaga, Spain
18 October 2019 - 26 January 2020
Palazzo Pallavicini, Bologna, Italy
13 March 2019 - 09 June 2019
Dunkers Kunsthalle, Sweden
05 October 2018 - 03 February 2019
Lee Miller
Lee Miller: Fotografin zwischen Krieg und Glamour
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Switzerland
28 August 2020 - 03 January 2021
Lee Miller
Lee Miller: To believe it
Kunst-und Kulturstiftung Opelvillen Rüsselsheim
07 February 2021 - 13 June 2021
Kunsthalle Erfurt, Germany 
08 August 2020 - 08 November 2020
Lee Miller
Lee Miller in James Joyce's Dublin
The James Joyce Centre, Dublin, Ireland
09 June 2021 - 09 December 2014
Roland Penrose
International Surrealist Exhibition
New Burlington Galleries, London, England
01 January 1936
Surrealist Objects and Poems Exhibition
The London Gallery, Cork Street, London, England
01 January 1937
Roland Penrose
Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme
Galerie Maeght, Paris, France
01 January 1947
Galerie Beaux Arts, Paris, France
01 January 1938 - 30 December 1899
Roland Penrose
Durham Surrealist Festival
Durham, England
01 January 1968
Roland Penrose
Dada & Surrealism in Brussels, Paris & London
Roland Penrose
Peinture Surréaliste en Anglettere 1930 : 1960
Galerie Mille Neuf Cent Deux Mille, Paris, France
01 January 1982
Roland Penrose
A salute to British Surrealism: 1930-1950
Ferens Gallery, Hull, England
01 April 1985 - 01 August 1985
Retreti Art Centre, Punkaharju, Finland
01 January 1987
The surrealist spirit in Britain
Whitford and Hughes Gallery, London , England
01 January 1988
Two Old Pals
The Mayor Gallery, London, England
01 January 1990
Norwich School of Art & Design, England
01 January 2000
Roland Penrose
Looking at Picasso
Sala Expo Arade, Portugal
24 August 2008 - 19 October 2008
Roland Penrose
La Subversion des Images
Fundacion MAPFRE, Madrid, Spain
27 February 2010 - 23 May 2010
Fotomuseum, Winterhur, Switzerland
27 February 2010 - 23 May 2010
Roland Penrose
Another World
Scottish Gallery of Modern Art, Dean Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
10 July 2010 - 09 January 2011
Surreal Objects
Schirn Kunstall, Germany
11 February 2011 - 29 May 2011
Roland Penrose
Partners in Surrealism
Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts, USA
11 June 2011 - 04 December 2011
Women Artists in Mexico and the U.S
LACMA, Los Angeles, USA
29 January 2012 - 06 May 2012
Roland Penrose and British Surrealism
Southampton City Art Centre, Southampton, England
09 February 2012 - 13 May 2012
Picasso im fotografischen Portrait
Museo Picasso Málaga, Spain
05 March 2012 - 10 June 2012
Surrealist Adventures of
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
07 June 2012 - 03 September 2012
Lee Miller
Documenta 13
Kassel, Germany
09 June 2012 - 16 September 2012
Surrealistika Ting
Mjellby Museum, Sweden
16 June 2012 - 03 October 2012
Lee Miller
MKG, Hamburg, Germany
13 July 2012 - 21 October 2012
Roland Penrose
Ichundichunich:Picasso im Fotografischen Portrait
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
13 July 2012 - 21 October 2012
Fundacion Museo Picasso, Malaga, Spain
05 March 2012 - 10 June 2012
Museum Ludwig, Germany
23 September 2011 - 16 January 2012
Roland Penrose
Man Ray and Lee Miller
Fine Arts Museum, San Francisco, USA
14 July 2012 - 07 October 2012
Lee Miller
In Wonderland:
Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexcio,
27 September 2012 - 13 January 2013
Lee Miller
Holbein to Hockney: 500 years of British Art
Fundacion Juan March, Madrid, Spain
05 October 2012 - 20 January 2013
Lee Miller
Django Reinhart: Paris Swing during WWII"
Musee de la Musique, Paris, France
06 October 2012 - 20 January 2013
Lee Miller
L"art en guerre (France 1938-1947)
Musee d"art modern de la ville de Paris, Paris, France
12 October 2012 - 17 February 2013
Lee Miller
Jean Dubuffet : Transitions
Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, West Sussex, England
20 October 2012 - 03 February 2013
Lee Miller
Mitografias. Mois en la Intimidad
Fundacion Canal, Madrid, Spain
24 October 2012 - 07 January 2013
Lee Miller
Gesicht Zeigen, Berlin, Germany
01 January 2013 - 31 December 2017
Lee Miller
Displaced Visions
Jerusalem Museum, Israel
05 June 2013 - 30 September 2013
The Stars Alphabet ELT Mesens (1903-1971):
Mu.ZEE Kunstmuseum, Oostend, Belgium
06 July 2013 - 17 November 2013
Picasso et la Côte d'Azur
Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
12 July 2013 - 15 September 2013
Surrealsim and the Dream
Museo Thyssen - Bornesmisza, Madrid, Spain
08 October 2013 - 12 January 2014
Lee Miller
Man Ray Portraits
The Pushkin Museum, Moscow
14 October 2013 - 19 January 2014
Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
01 June 2013 - 01 September 2013
National Portrait Gallery, London, England
01 February 2013 - 27 May 2013
Roland Penrose
Hugo & Surrealism
Maison de Victor Hugo, Paris, France
16 October 2013 - 16 February 2014
Lee Miller
Me, Myself, Naked
Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Bremen, Germany
20 October 2013 - 02 February 2014
WAR/PHOTOGRAPHY: Images of Armed Conflict and Its Aftermath
Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York, USA
08 November 2013 - 02 February 2014
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, USA
29 June 2013 - 29 September 2013
The Annenberg Space for Photography, Los Angeles, USA
03 March 2013 - 27 May 2013
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA
11 November 2012 - 03 February 2013
Lee Miller
Lee Miller's War
Art Exchange, The University of Essex, Colchester, England
13 January 2014 - 16 February 2014
Lee Miller
Counter Intelligence
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
23 January 2014 - 16 March 2014
Lee Miller
Leonor Fini/Porquoi Pas?
Bildmuseet Umeå University, Sweden
02 February 2014 - 11 May 2014
Sylvette, Sylvette, Sylvette, Picasso & the Model
Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany
22 February 2014 - 22 June 2014
Lee Miller
Picasso de Malaga
Fundacion Museo Picasso, Malaga, Spain
25 February 2014 - 09 June 2014
Lee Miller
Joseph Cornell et le suréalisme
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia USA
07 March 2014 - 08 June 2014
Musée des Beaux Arts, LYON, France
18 October 2013 - 10 February 2014
Lee Miller
Dora Maar Nonostante Picasso
Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy
08 March 2014 - 14 July 2014
The Photogrophers Gallery, London, England
11 April 2014 - 01 July 2014
Tea with Nefertiti
Egyptian Museum, Munich, Germany
07 May 2014 - 09 September 2014
Institut Valencia d'Art Moderne, Valencia, Spain
07 November 2013 - 07 January 2014
Institute du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
23 April 2013 - 08 September 2013
MATHAF: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Qatar
16 November 2012 - 31 March 2013
The Boy who bit Picasso
Falmouth Art Gallery, Falmouth, England
28 June 2014 - 14 September 2014
War socks and Peacemaker
Fraenmuseum, Coburg, Germany
08 May 2015 - 30 September 2015
Lee Miller
Bon Appetit
Culture 4200, Anzio, Italy
09 May 2015 - 01 May 2015
The Great Mother
Funazione Nicola Trussardi, Milan, Italy
25 August 2015 - 25 January 2016
Who's afraid of female photographers?
Museé d'Orsay, Paris, France
13 October 2015 - 25 January 2016
Vogue 100: A Century of Style
Manchester City Art Gallery, Manchester, England
01 June 2016 - 01 August 2016
National Portrait Gallery, London, England
02 April 2016 - 23 May 2016
The withdrawal of the Red Army
Blake Old Dairy, Oslo, Norway
01 June 2016 - 19 June 2016
Exhibition hall of the Arkhangelsk Artists Union, Murmansk, Russia
02 April 2016 - 19 May 2016
Barents Spektakel, Kirkenes, Norway
01 March 2016 - 10 April 2016
Northern Norway Art Museum, Tromsø, Norway
10 February 2016 - 15 February 2016
Lee Miller
Bitten by Picasso
Jerwood Gallery, Hastings, East Sussex, England
09 July 2016 - 09 October 2016
Lee Miller
Behold the Man
Museum de Fundatie, 8011 NE Zwolle, Netherlands
01 October 2016 - 15 January 2017
Lee Miller
Battle of the Sexes: From Franz von Stuck to Frida Kahlo
Stadel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
23 November 2016 - 19 March 2017
Sussex Modernism and The Art of Alternative Living
Two Temple Place, London, England
28 January 2017 - 23 April 2017
Woe men : keep going
Mary Boone Gallery, New York, USA
02 March 2017 - 22 April 2017
Lee Miller
Kaye Donachie
Le Plateau, ile-de-France, Paris, France
17 May 2017 - 23 July 2017
Lee Miller
Dreamers Awake
Whitecube, London, England
28 June 2017 - 17 September 2017
Lee Miller
En Egypte (1938-1948)
K20 : Kunstsammlung, Düsseldorf, Germany
01 July 2017 - 17 September 2017
Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
14 February 2017 - 17 June 2017
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
19 October 2016 - 16 January 2017
Picasso et la Maternité
Musee Cozatier, Le Puy-en-Velay, France
11 July 2017 - 10 October 2017
Power Mask: The Power of the Mask
WereldMuseum, Rotterdam, Nertherlands
01 September 2017 - 18 March 2018
Lee Miller
Istanbul Biennial, Turkey
16 September 2017 - 12 November 2017
Lee Miller
At work with Peter Blake
Waddington Custot, Frieze Masters, Regents Park, London , England
05 October 2017 - 08 October 2017
Women Artists and Surrealism
Museo Picasso Málaga
16 October 2017 - 28 January 2018
Lee Miller
Four Saints in Three Acts
The Photographers" Gallery, London , England
19 October 2017 - 10 February 2018
Lee Miller
Coming into Fashion. A Century of photography at Condé Nast
The arts Centre Gold Coast, Queensland
25 November 2017 - 18 February 2018
Artspace Mackay/Rockhampton Art Gallery, Queensland
29 July 2017 - 22 October 2017
Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art, Beijing
20 January 2017 - 05 March 2017
Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
15 September 2016 - 27 November 2016
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art Annex, Kyoto
22 April 2016 - 29 May 2016
Nexus Hall, Tokyo, Japan
18 March 2016 - 10 April 2016
Marco Museo de arte Contemporáneo, Monterrey
22 October 2015 - 07 February 2016
Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico
29 July 2015 - 04 October 2015
Multimedia Art Museum, Mosco
27 March 2015 - 07 June 2015
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach
20 November 2014 - 22 February 2015
Museum Bellerive, Zurich
11 July 2014 - 19 October 2014
Palais Galliera, Paris, France
01 March 2014 - 01 May 2014
City Art Centre, 2 Market Street, Edinburgh, Scotland
15 June 2013 - 15 September 2013
Forma Fondazione per la Fotografia, Milano, Italy
17 January 2013 - 07 April 2013
C/O Berlin , Augstrasse 4A, Berlin, Germany
18 August 2012 - 04 November 2012
Koroška Galerija Likovnih Umetnosti, Slovenia
15 December 2017 - 30 March 2018
Lee Miller
Turner Contemporary, Margate, Kent, England
03 February 2018 - 07 May 2018
Lee Miller
Art et Liberté: Rupture, Guerre et Surréalisme
Modern Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
28 April 2018 - 12 August 2018
Tate Liverpool, England
13 November 2017 - 04 March 2018
T.S. Eliot
Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry, England
15 September 2018 - 18 November 2018
Lee Miller
Journeys with 'The Waste Land'
Herbert Art Gallery, Jordan Well, Coventry , England
15 September 2018 - 18 November 2018
Virginia Woolf: An exhibition inspired by her writings
The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England
01 October 2018 - 09 December 2018
Pallant House, Chichester, England
26 May 2018 - 16 September 2018
Tate St Ives, Cornwall, England
09 February 2018 - 29 April 2018
Lee Miller
Man Ray
Gagosian : Frieze Art Fair, London , England
03 October 2018 - 07 October 2018
Kunstforum Vienna, Austria
14 February 2018 - 24 June 2018
Millesgården, Herserudsvägen 32, Lidingö, Sweden
22 February 2014 - 08 June 2014
Øregaard Museum, Ørehøj Allé 2, Hellerup, Denmark
10 October 2013 - 09 February 2014
Mjellby Konst Museum, Halmstad, Sweden
15 June 2013 - 29 September 2013
Lee Miller
Now you see me
TJ Boulting, London , England
04 October 2018 - 17 November 2018
Lee Miller
Modern Couples: Art Intimacy and the Avant-garde
Barbican, London , England
10 October 2018 - 27 January 2019
Pompidou Metz, Metz, France
26 April 2018 - 20 August 2018
Lee Miller
Nashashibi/Skaer: An Artists'
Tate St Ives, Cornwall , England
20 October 2018 - 06 January 2019
Lee Miller
The Contemporary Museum of Monterrey (MARCO) Mexico
08 November 2018 - 17 February 2019
Museo de Art Moderne (MAM) Mexico
21 April 2018 - 23 September 2018
The Last Image, Photography & Death
Berlin Foundation, Berlin, Germany
08 December 2018 - 08 March 2019
Lee Miller
Oskar Kokoscha retrospective
Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich, Germany
14 December 2018 - 10 March 2019
Women in Photography: A History of British Trailblazers
Lightbox, Woking, England
02 February 2019 - 02 June 2019
Lee Miller
From Lee Miller to Anja Niedinghaus
Stiftung Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Germany
07 March 2019 - 10 June 2019
Soap bubbles: Forms of Utopia between vanitas
Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia, Italy
16 March 2019 - 09 June 2019
Lee Miller
Le Modèle noir, de Géricault à Matisse
Musee d'Orsay, Paris, France
25 March 2019 - 21 July 2019
Picasso et la Guerre
Musee de l'Armee, Paris, France
05 April 2019 - 28 July 2019
Lee Miller
Creatrice! L'emancipation par l'art
Musee des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, France
28 June 2019 - 19 January 2020
Lee Miller
Beloved by Picasso : The power of the model
Arken Museum for Modern Kunst, Skovvej, Denmark
12 October 2019 - 23 February 2020
Wo(Man) Ray
CAMERA, International centre for photography, Turin, Italy
16 October 2019 - 02 February 2020
Lee Miller
Pablo Picasso : Paul Éluard
Museu Picasso Barcelona, Spain
07 November 2019 - 23 February 2020
The Tears of Eros: Moesman, surrealism and the Sexes
Centraal Museum Utrecht, The Netherlands
14 February 2020 - 24 May 2020
Lee Miller
IVAM, Valencia, Spain
15 February 2020 - 13 September 2020
Lee Miller
At War: Women War Photographers
Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
29 February 2020 - 07 May 2020
Lee Miller
Bad Bath Bain : Element der Menschheit
Staatliche Bunsthalle Baden-Baden, Germany
14 March 2020 - 21 June 2020
Lee Miller
Fantastic Women
Louisiana, Denmark
24 July 2020 - 08 November 2020
Shirn Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
13 February 2020 - 24 May 2020
Lee Miller
John Hansard Gallery, Southampton , England
31 October 2020 - 16 January 2021
Newlyn Art Gallery, Penzance, England
11 July 2020 - 03 October 2020
Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool, England
18 April 2020 - 20 June 2020
Turner Contemporary, Margate
24 May 2019 - 08 September 2019
Roland Penrose
Artishs Make Faces
Plymouth Art Gallery, Plymouth, England
09 September 2021 - 20 December 2013
Lee Miller
Objects of desire : Surrealism & Desgin 1924 : today
Caixaforum Zaragoza
14 April 2022 - 15 August 2022
Caixaforum Sevilla, Spain
24 November 2020 - 21 March 2021
Caixaforum Madrid, Spain
09 July 2020 - 25 October 2020
Caixaforum Barcelona, Spain
27 February 2020 - 07 June 2020
Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein
27 September 2019 - 19 January 2020
Roland Penrose
The Tate
Millbank, Westminster, London SW1P 4RG
Lee Miller
Lee Miller Archives
Farleys House & Gallery (Lee Miller"s home 1949 to 1977), Farley Farmhouse, Muddles Green, Lewes BN8 6HW, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1825 872 691
Lee Miller
Offer Waterman
17 St George Street, London, W1S 1FJ, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7042 3233
Lee Miller
Clair Gallery : France
°CLAIR Galerie 1, Rue de la Tour, Saint Paul de Vence, F-06570, France
+33 (0)6 64 75 77 89
Lee Miller
Clair Gallery : Germany
°CLAIR Galerie und Kunsthandel ein Unternehmen der Circles GmbH, Franz-Joseph-Str.10, 80801 München, Germany
+49.(0)1 75 83 82 777
Roland Penrose
The Penrose Collection & the Lee Miller Archives
Farley Farm (his home from 1949-1984), Muddles Green, Chiddingly, East Sussex BN8 6HW, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1825 872 691
Roland Penrose
The Mayor Gallery
22A Cork Street, London, W1S 3NA, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 773 43558
Roland Penrose
Ferens Art Gallery
Queen Victoria Square, Carr Ln, Hull HU1 3RA, United Kingdom
Roland Penrose
Southampton City Art Gallery
Civic Centre, Commercial Rd, Southampton SO14 7LY, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 23 8083 3007
Lee Miller
The Art Institute of Chicago
111 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60603, USA
Lee Miller
New Orleans Museum of Art
1 Collins Diboll Cir, New Orleans, LA 70124, USA
Lee Miller
Victoria and Albert Museum
Cromwell Rd, Knightsbridge, London SW7 2RL, UK
Roland Penrose
Victoria and Albert Museum
Cromwell Rd, Knightsbridge, London SW7 2RL, UK
Roland Penrose
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art
75 Belford Rd, Edinburgh EH4 3DR, Scotland

Writes successful anthology Life Goes to the Movies

David E. Scherman after the German surrender at St Malo

Writes successful anthology Life Goes to World War II

Collaborates with Soviet journalist Grigori Chudakov on Allies a history of Russian :American war pictures.

5 May, Scherman dies aged 81 of Cancer, Stony Point, New York, US


14th October. Birth of Roland Algernon Penrose to parents James Doyle and Elizabeth Josephine Penrose and elder brothers Lionel and Alec in London, England.


Rolands younger brother Bernard, known as ‘Beacus’ is born.


23rd April, Birth of Elizabeth [Lee] Miller to parents Theodore and Florence Miller and older brother John, in Poughkeepsie, New York, USA


Penrose family move to Oxhey Grange, Hertfordshire , England where Roland receives a strict Quaker upbringing.


Lee Miller’s younger brother Erik is born.


The Miller family move to Cedar Hill Farm, Poughkeepsie, New York, where Theodore installs a darkroom.


The Miller family visit Sweden due to Theodore’s Miller’s connections as Superintendent of the Swedish DeLaval company.


Lee stays with Swedish friends now living in New York. Lee is sexually assaulted whilst staying with the family, resulting in an infection of gonorrhea that lasts many years.


Roland’s family are pacifists. Lionel and Alec register as conscientious objectors and serve with Friends Ambulance Unit on the Western Front.


Lee attends Govenor Clinton Elementary School, Poughkeepsie, New York. Her behavior becomes increasingly disruptive.


Born 2 March, Manhattan, New York, USA.


Lee begins taking photographs using a Kodak Brownie her father gave her.


Roland leaves school and joins the Friends Ambulance Unit being posted to Italy in the final days of the war.


Roland studies architecture at Queens College, Cambridge, England. He finds m0dern art more interesting and discovers the work of Picasso.


Lee is expelled from school for bad behaviour and sent to Oakwood Friends Schol. Strict Quaker co-educational school.


Roland moves to Paris. He studies painting, becoming increasingly interested in Surrealism, and befriends Man Ray.


Roland moves to South of France and has his first studio at Villa les Mimosas in Cassis-sur-Mer


Roland meets Valentine Boué, a French Surrealist Poet who introduces him to Paul Éluard.


Roland and Valentine are married.


Leaving school, Lee travels to Paris, France and enrolls at L’École Megyès pour la Technique du Théatre.


Lee reluctantly returns to New York and studies stage and lighting at Vassar College, New York. Lee joins the Art Students league and befriends Tanja Ramm.


Lee meets Condé Nast and appears on the cover of the March Edition of Vogue, drawn by Illustrator, George Lepape.


Roland has his first solo exhibition in Paris, France. Here he meets and starts life-long friendships with Max Ernst and Joan Miró.


Edward Steichen’s fashion photography of Lee features in advertisements for Kotex sanitary products, damaging her modelling career but aiding her transition to becoming a professional photographer.


Lee moves to Paris, France and becomes Man Ray’s student, model and partner. Through an accident she re-discovers the Sabatier effect, which Man Ray calls Solarisation.


Roland befriends André Breton and through Max Ernst begins to use the technique of Frottage.


Asserting her independence from Man Ray, Lee establishes her own studio (12 rue Victor Considérante) and performs in Jean Cocteau’s film ‘Blood of a Poet’.

In her September, her work begins to appear in French Vogue, and she has her first self-portrait published in American Vogue.

She has a part-time job photographing operations for a Paris surgeon.


Roland performs in Luis Bruñel’s comic Surrealist film ‘L’Age d’or’. He and Valentine move to Chateau Le Pouy.


Exhibits at Group Annuel des Photographes, Galerie to la Pleiade, Paris, France.

Lee models in the Man Ray shot advert for Jean Cocteau’s film Le Sang d’un Poète (The Blood of a Poet),



The American gallerist Julien Levy buys several Lee Miller works on a visit to Man Ray’s studio.

In November, Lee exhibits at Levy’s New York gallery as part of his American Photography Retrospective exhibition.


Lee is commissioned to travel to Britain and photograph at Elstree Studios for 1 July issue of the Bioscope, and photographs sports clothes for June issue of British Vogue.

She exhibits at Group Annuel des Photographes, Galerie de la Pleiade in Paris.


Lee leaves Paris and establishes her commercial studio ‘Lee Miller Studios, Inc. on 8 East 48 Street, New York, USA. Lee’s work is exhibited at the Julien Levy Gallery.


The death of Roland’s parents secures him financial independence. He and Valentine visit India.


Lee’s commercial studio is a success, and she is commissioned to photograph the cast of Four Saints in Three Acts. Lee also exhibits at Julien Levy Gallery.


Lee is hailed by Vanity Fair magazine as being one of America’s 7 most distinguished photographers. Lee exhibits as part of a group show in Luckey, Platt and Company department store, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA.


19th July, Lee marries Egyptian businessman Aziz Eloui Bey and after honeymooning at Niagra Falls, moves to Cairo, Egypt, abandoning her New York studio.


Roland and Valentine decide to separate.


Lee revives her passion for photography & enjoys creating images for her own pleasure.

Her New York studio photographs continue to be published in magazines such as House & Garden in America.


Roland returns to Britain, settling in London. Valentine moves to India.


Roland stages the First International Surrealist Exhibition at New Burlington Galleries, London, England.


Graduates from Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA. Starts work as Copy Boy, Life Magazine, New York.


Lee holidays in Cornwall – then the South of France – with Roland and other artists such as Man Ray, Dora Maar, Eileen Agar, Max Ernst and Leonora Carrington. Picasso paints her portrait 6 times.  Lee exhibits Surrealist object ‘Le Baiser’ in Objects and Poems Exhibition, London Gallery, England.


Bored of Egyptian expat society, Lee travels to visit friends in Paris and meets the British artist Roland Penrose at a Surrealist fancy dress party.


Roland meets Lee Miller at a Surrealist fancy dress party in Paris, France. He paints first portrait of Lee: Night and Day


In June, the London Bulletin publishes two Lee Miller images – Portrait of Space and Eileen Agar’s Shadow.

Lee and Roland tour the Balkans together and the trip inspires Roland to write his publication The Road is Wider Than Long.



Lee’s work is published in London Bulletin. She becomes associated with Egyptian Surrealist group Art et Liberté.


Roland and Lee tour the Balkans inspiring Roland to write The Road is Wider than Long. Roland purchases Paul Eluard’s collectionand opens the London Gallery to promote Surrealist art. He also organises a world tour of Picasso’s Guernica to raise money for the Spanish Republican cause. Lee joins Roland in London, Englland.


Roland joins the Industrial Camouflage Research Unit. He contributes to Royal Academy’s United Artists exhibition but his ‘unseemly’ art leads to his exclusion from further invitations.


2nd June, Lee leaves Aziz Eloui Bey to be with Roland in London, England.  They visit their friends in Europe returning to London as Britain enters World War II.


Roland visits Lee in Asyut, Egypt, travelling to Siwa and other oasis villages Lee documents the Siwan peoples lives with her camera.


Roland contributes to Surrealism Today exhibition at Zwemmer Gallery, London, England. He becomes an air-raid warden and War Office camouflage instructor.


Refusing to return to US, Lee continues volunteeing as photographer for British Vogue. Contributes work to Surrealism Today exhibition at Zwemmer Gallery, London, England.

One Night of Love. London, England, 1940.

Lee’s images of the London Blitz feature in the propaganda publication Grim Glory:Pictures of Britain under Fire, and are exhibited at MOMA in their Britain at War exhibition.


Roland publishes the Home Guard Manual of Camouflage.


June, Audrey Withers credits Lee as having ‘borne the whole weight of our studio production through the most difficult period in Brogue’s [British Vogue‘s] history’.


Lilliput in October- Lee’s first published written piece; I Worked with Man Ray


17 April, Scherman was on board an Egyptian liner called the Zamzam. Scherman as war correspondent for LIFE magazine arrives in England.


30 December, Lee accredited as War Correspondent contributing to Vogue magazine on Scherman’s advise.


Lee continues to contribute significantly to the pages of Vogue, including their pattern book and knitwear book.


David E. Scherman moves in with Roland and Lee. All three colaborate and photograph Lee in camouflage, Highgate, London.


December, encouraged by Life Photographer David E. Scherman Lee becomes accredited to the US armed forces as an official war correspondent.

She continues to contribute multiple fashion images every month.


Author of Literary England.


Lee’s photojournalism progresses with a feature on US Army nurses in Oxford. She also gathers material for her book Wrens in Camera.


Roland is commissioned as an officer in the British Army. He is placed in command of the Army School of Camouflage, Eastern Command, Norfolk, England.


From July, Lee is in Europe covering the war and experiences front line combat in St Malo as it is liberated from German occupation.


Roland visits Lee at Hotel Scribe during the Liberation of Paris.


Lee witnesses the Liberation of Paris and Luxembourg, covers fighting in the battle of the Bulge, visits Belgium whilst also being a key figure in re-launching French Vogue. Published in Cadran, LIFE magazine and Illustrated.


Lee visits Ardurf and Pening camps, going on to cover the fighting in Alsace.  She finds a brief respite from battle at the liberation of Denmark.


WRENS in camera is published, celebrating the contribution to the war effort of the Women in the Navy, illustrated solely by Lee Miller’s photographs.


Lee and SCHERMAN photograph Nazi concentration camps and Hitler’s Apartment


Travelling with the advancing US Army, Lee stays with the action and is at the liberation of two concentration camps: Buchenwald and Dachau. She is one of the first journalists to enter Dachau and does not hold back from capturing the horror of the camp.


Roland publishes In the Service of the People: French Intellectuals and the Resistance. Roland and Lee’s relationship suffers through her absence as a war correspondent and her determination to continue.


Lee’s invited on a celebrity tour of US & is interviewed by CBS radio about her war coverage. She uses the occasion to reunite with old friends: Man Ray, Julien Levy, Yves Tanguy and Max Ernst & meets artists Dorothea Tanning, Kay Sage, Isamu Noguch, Stella Snead and Muriel Levy.

In December, she photographs the poet Dylan Thomas for Vogue.


Roland creates organisation with Herbert READ that will become the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art) and re-opens his London Gallery


The war for Lee is not over. She continues to travel through Romania and Hungary reporting on the devastation she discovers. Roland and Scherman plead with her to return home.


Lee returns exhausted to Roland. De-mobbed from the army, he travels with her to USA to be reunited with family and friends.


On a Vogue fashion assignment in Switzerland Lee discovers she is pregnant. Back home in London, England Lee and Roland get married and their son Antony is born.


Roland and Lee marry. Their son Antony is born


9th September, Birth of Antony Penrose to parents Roland Penrose and Lee Miller, London, England.


11 June, marries Rosemarie Redlich.


Lee is invited by Robert Capa to join Magnum.  Writes her first lifestyle article ‘Batchelors Entertaining‘ for British Vogue. Shoots for 10 page holiday feature ‘Vogue’s Eye View of Travelling at Ease’ and ‘In Sicily’.

May 29 – 25 June, Lee exhibits in ‘Hampstead Seen by Artist, Architect and Camera’ at Studio House, Hampstead, London.


Lee and Roland move to Farleys House in East Sussex. Lee struggles with life in the country and suffers from depression.

Farleys House @ Lee Miller Archives

Roland and Lee buy Farley Farm in East Sussex, England and begin renovating Farleys House.


Roland and Lee move to Farleys House, East Sussex


Picasso visits Farleys and meets Antony.


Lee works freelance for Picture Post magazine contributing to several issues, whilst also still contributing to Vogue (including an illustrated article on ‘Joyce’s Dublin’).


Lee continues to shoot fashion for Vogue and enjoys a visit from Picasso at Farleys House.


Roland stops producing art to concentrate on running the Institute of Contemporary Art. Picasso visits Roland and Lee at their home.


Lee attempts to re-invent herself as a food and hospitality writer with her unpublished manuscript – Sunday Lunch on the Farm.

She writes about an exhibition covering Picasso’s 70th birthday for Vogue.


Lee writes A thirteen meal Christmas for British Vogue, the first of her articles around food and entertaining containing her own recipes.


Roland is appointed to the British Council’s Fine Arts Committee. Henry Moore’s Mother and Child sculpture is installed in Farleys garden.


Lee curates a section of the ICA, London exhibition Wonder and Horror of the Human Head.


In April, Lee writes an article for British Vogue to publicise the ‘Wonder and Horror of the Human Head’ exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), which she also c0-curates.

In July, Lee’s last major feature accompanied by her photographs is published in Vogue, a ‘tongue in cheek’ piece called Working Guests.

She is suffering from what would probably now be diagnosed as post-traumatic stress disorder.


Antony goes to boarding school at Bryanston


Roland begins work on his authorised biography of Picasso.


Lee takes photographs for Roland Penrose’s book ‘Picasso, His Life and Work’.

She turns down a job offer as a ‘Critical Advisor’ for Spam, the Luncheon Meat company.

12th September, Lee’s mother Florence dies.


Author of Literary America.


Lee attends a 3-month Cordon Bleu cooking course in Rue Léon Delhomme, Paris, France, given to her as 50th birthday gift by Roland.

Roland Penrose and Picasso reading the first edition of Penrose's book 'Portraits of Picasso'. Cannes, France, 1957.

Roland publishes Picasso: His Life and Work.


Lee writes an essay for a booklet & organises food for a gala event at an ICA celebration of the Picasso exhibition at the Tate, curated by Roland.


Roland curates an exhibition of Max Ernst’s work for Tate Gallery, Britain.


Visit to Picasso hones Antony’s photography skills


On a trip to Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1962 Lee Miller was taken ill and handed Antony her Zeiss Contax to get the pictures she could not take. She explained the working of the light meter and advised, “If you drop the camera I will break your neck”.


At a time between 1962 and 1971, photography supported Antony’s journalism for Farmers Weekly magazine.


Lee travels to Lebanon and Egypt with an ICA group and stays in Egypt to see Aziz Eloui Bey, rather than continue to Jerusalem.


British Vogue hails Lee’s cooking & hosting skills in the article, A second fame: Good Food, Lee and Roland Penrose by Ninette Lyon. Lee wins a major prize, a trip to Norway, for an Open Sandwich cooking competition.


Roland is knighted for his sevices to the arts.


Lee and Bettina McNulty travel to Norway. Roland is knighted for his contribution to the Arts and Lee becomes Lady Penrose.

Articles about her cookery appear in Studio International and House and Garden. 

In October she is featured in a ‘Who’s Who in Vogue 1916-66’ article and a short section of her article on St Malo is republished as part of British Vogue’s Golden Jubilee.


Antony begins a 3¼ year circumnavigation of the world in a Land-Rover with his lifelong friend Robert BRADEN


11 June, LIFE ceases publication


 Edits The Best of LIFE, which sells over 1 million copies in six months.


Lee’s cookery is featured in House and Garden magazine and in American Vogue. She begins to write her own cookbook.

She photographs Antoni Tàpies for Roland Penrose’s biography of the artist.


Lee curates menu of solely white food for special opening dinner of Man Ray, Inventor, Painter, Poet exhibition, opened on 19th December at New York Cultural Center with Fairleigh Dickinson University.


Lee attends Rencontres internationales de la photographie d’Arles in place of Man Ray who was guest of honour.


Writes successful anthology Life Goes to the Movies.


Lee exhibits in Photographs from the Julien Levy Collection, at the Art Institute of Chicago.

She is diagnosed with terminal cancer.


Roland resigns, disillusioned, from the ICA.


Roland’s biography on Tapies is published including recent photographs of the artist by Lee.


Peter BUCKNALL of Athos Films gave Antony his break into 16 m/m film making working on Kings Horses and Migrate to Survive. These documentaries about horses were both shot in Iran and led to Antony establishing Penrose Film Productions Ltd., with 18 produced credits for documentaries, technical films and drama shorts.


Lee and Roland’s first granddaughter is born. Lee dies at Farleys House.


After Lee Miller dies, Antony begins archiving his mother’s work.


Exhibits in The History of Fashion, organised by the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Rochester, New York, USA

Lee passes away at Farleys House on 21st July.


 Writes successful anthology Life Goes to World War II.


Tapies’ monograph by Roland is published in London


Roland’s second granddaughter is born.


Roland returns to ICA as honourary president. Roland Penrose Arts Council Retrospective exhibition tours Britain.


Roland Penrose Arts Council Retrospective exhibition opens at Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain. Roland’s autobiography, Scrap Book 1900:1981 is published


Roland Penrose, Collages Récents exhibition at the Galerie Henriette Gomis Paris, France.


Roland Penrose, Recent Collages opens at the Mayor Gallery, London, England.


Roland dies at Farleys House.


Having established the Lee Miller Archives Antony writes his first book ‘The Lives of Lee Miller’ published by Thames and Hudson


Collaborates with Soviet journalist Grigori Chudakov on Allies, a history of Russian :American war pictures.


 Writes introduction for Lee Miller’s War by Antony Penrose.


Writes introduction for Lee Miller’s War by Antony Penrose.


5 May, Scherman dies aged 81 of Cancer, Stony Point, New York, US.

David E. Scherman after the German surrender at St Malo
David E. Scherman after the German surrender at St Malo @ Lee Miller Archives
Media grid
BBC Radio 4 • 27 January 2021

War photographer and model Lee Miller proposed by Lindsey Hilsum of Channel 4 News.

War photographer and model Lee Miller proposed by Lindsey Hilsum of Channel 4 News.

• 27 January 2021

Ami Bouhassane on Lee Miller

Katy Hessel interviews Ami Bouhassane on the life and work of the model turned surrealist, photographer, war correspondent and all-round 20th century artistic giant, LEE MILLER!

Media grid : filtered by category
BBC Radio 4 • 27 January 2021

War photographer and model Lee Miller proposed by Lindsey Hilsum of Channel 4 News.

War photographer and model Lee Miller proposed by Lindsey Hilsum of Channel 4 News.

Media grid : filtered by specific selection
• 27 January 2021

Ami Bouhassane on Lee Miller

Katy Hessel interviews Ami Bouhassane on the life and work of the model turned surrealist, photographer, war correspondent and all-round 20th century artistic giant, LEE MILLER!

BBC Radio 4 • 27 January 2021

War photographer and model Lee Miller proposed by Lindsey Hilsum of Channel 4 News.

War photographer and model Lee Miller proposed by Lindsey Hilsum of Channel 4 News.



Roland Penrose (Detail) Mougins France 1937







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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porta felis nec leo lobortis luctus. Cras ac sem sollicitudin, imperdiet arcu quis, tristique felis. Aliquam rutrum velit quis odio auctor, vel molestie diam ornare. Sed vulputate libero ex, eget pulvinar lorem auctor vitae. Sed egestas velit lorem, volutpat efficitur lectus maximus eget. Nunc vitae felis commodo, laoreet sapien ut, luctus odio. Nullam dapibus ante non lobortis elementum. Morbi eget semper tortor. Quisque bibendum scelerisque diam et pulvinar.

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